Computing corporate tax payable by clients as well as pay-as-you earn.
Agreeing tax assessment and liabilities with Ghana Revenue Authority.
We conduct an objective and independent appraisal of the effectiveness of managers and corporate structure in the achievement of the entity’s objectives and policies.
We conduct special investigation into suspected fraudulent cases.
We undertake monitoring and post completion audit appraisal of capital projects and provide opinion on efficient management of the resources, as well as the continued existence of the organisation.
We have computer specialists who have the knowledge and skill to interrogate, audit and resolve any data processing challenges.
We offer accounting services to a wide range of clients at very competitive fees.
We act as reporting accountants for the clients who may offer prospectus for Initial Public Offer
We have a team that specialises in stock taking for clients either periodically or at the end of the financial year of the client.
We design Accounting and Operational Manuals for clients.