• Statutory and non-statutory audits

We adopt an efficient and effective approach to provide reliable insight into the operations of our clients’ business so as to form a credible and authoritative opinion and offer practical solutions to the entity.

  • Internal Audit and Internal Control Evaluations

We assess the effectiveness and recommend the appropriate accounting and internal control systems established by management to ensure that the organization’s records form a reliable basis for the preparation of the financial statements.

  • Operational Reviews

We conduct an objective and independent appraisal of the effectiveness of managers and corporate structure in the achievement of the entity’s objectives and policies.

  • Special Audit/Fraud Risk Assessment (Investigation)

We conduct special investigation into suspected fraudulent cases.

  • Post-Completion Audit of Capital Projects

We undertake monitoring and post completion audit appraisal of capital projects and provide opinion on efficient management of the resources, as well as the continued existence of the organisation.


  • Accounting Services

We offer accounting services to a wide range of clients at very competitive fees.

  • Reporting Accountants

We act as reporting accountants for the clients who may offer prospectus for Initial Public Offer.

We also offer outsourcing of select accounting functions to our team of experienced accountants, ensuring accuracy, timeliness, and compliance.

We offer supervision and oversight of the outsourced accounting staff by our experts to maintain high standards of work quality and provide guidance and training as needed.

  • Stocktaking

We have a team that specializes in stock taking and reporting for clients either periodically or at the end of the financial year of the client.

  • Accounting Manual/Operational Manual

We design and tailor Accounting, Audit and Operational Manuals for clients.


The firm provides a wide range of tax services for clients. These include:

  • Computing corporate tax payable by clients as well as pay-as-you earn.
  • Agreeing tax assessment and liabilities with Ghana Revenue Authority.
  • Preparing and filing of tax returns.
  • Advising clients on tax planning and major changes in tax laws.


The firm provides a wide range of tax services for clients. These include:

  • Preparation of Payroll especially for clients who may want to locate management staff salary outside the purview of unionised staff.
  • Paying the net salary to the bank accounts of the respective staff.
  • Paying the Pensions Funds to the relevant institutions/agencies.
  • Paying and filing the tax returns to Ghana Revenue Authority.
  • Providing Pay Slips to the Staff.


The firm provides a wide range of tax services for clients. These include:

  • Tax Computation and Planning.
  • Accounting and Bookkeeping.
  • Pension Funds Management.


We provide secretarial services to corporate clients covering:

  • Writing of minutes of board and general meetings.
  • Assisting clients to register their companies with the Office of Registrar of Companiesand Ghana Investment Promotion Centre.
  • Preparing and filing the statutory returns with the Office of Registrar of Companies.
  • Assisting in keeping and updating of statutory records.